Topcliffe Warm Space 

Topcliffe Warm Space and Hub was setup in the summer of 2022. 
The hub is open every Wednesday in the Village Hall from 11.30am until 2pm. It provides an opportunity for people to gather in a warm friendly environment, to enjoy a hot meal and some relaxed friendly conversation. All are welcome. 
The hub is run entirely by local volunteers. 
Hot food is served from 11.30pm until 1pm with soup, hot main course followed by a choice of sweet. If any villager is unable to attend they can ask for a hot meal and it will be delivered to them from the hub by volunteers. 
There is no charge for the meal although people are asked to make a donation if they can manage it to help fund the hub in the future. 
If you know anybody in the village who would benefit from the hub but does not attend please let the organisers know .